• Q4C & its Design Center is the hub and creative core of all our community work. It is where participants joyfully learn the art of quilting, guided by skilled volunteers and artists.

  • Removing cost barriers allows a sense of belonging and empowers individuals to express their creativity regardless of their economic circumstances.

  • The quilts are donated to people in hospice, hospitals, and shelters.

  • Q4C Design Center offers low-cost sewing space, quilting machine rentals, specialized classes, and discounted fabric sales.

  • Q4C participates in community events reaching thousands of people annually. The Q4C booths feature hands-on project making, mending stations, and/or quilt and fabric sales raising curiosity and interest from persons who have never been exposed to fiber arts.

  • Q4C accepts donated fabric to keep scraps out of the landfill and to generate fabric sales income to continue free and low cost programs.

What is quilting for community?